Standing Dumdbell Biceps Curl

Exercise Data

Main Muscle Worked: Chest
Other Muscles Worked: Shoulders
Equipment: Dumbell

Dumbell curl setup: Select the dumbells and stand straight up with the weights by your side, palms facing the outside of your leg. Keep your back straight and your chest out.

Dumbell curl execution: Starting with you left arm, raise the dumbell up to your shoulder. Twist the dumbell half way through the movement so that your palm is facing your bicep. Slowly lower the dumbell, and repeat for the right arm. It's very important that you use strict form when executing the dumbell curl. See our dumbell curl tips for information on correct form.

Tips: The most important dumbell curl tip - use strict and correct dumbell curl form and technique! This mean no "throwing the dumbell" up to the top of the curl, keeping your whole body tense and still and not leaning backwards to raise the dumbell. If you are leaning back, try doing your dumbell curls against a wall.

Try to really focus mentally on your bicep moving the dumbell. I like to look at my bicep muscle as it's doing the dumbell curl and really focus on it powering through the dumbell curl.
