Standing Barbell Bicep Curl

Exercise Data

Main Muscle Worked: Biceps
Other Muscles Worked: None
Equipment: Barbell

Bicep Curl Setup: Pick up the barbell off the floor with your palms facing away from your body. Your grip should be about shoulder width apart. Stand straight up with a straight back. Don't bend backwards. If it's feels comfortable, step back with one foot for stability.

Bicep Curl Execution: Squeeze the bar tight and slowly bring it towards your upper chest. Keep your elbows tucked into your sides. Pause at the top of the movement, and slowly lower the bar to the starting position. Keep control of the weight at all times. Don't arch your back or swing the weight up - that's cheating!

Tips: The key to the bicep curl is weight control. If you can't control the weight through the whole bicep curl, you may be lifting too heavy or too many reps.

Don't swing the weight up, or arch your back at the top of the bicep curl. This is cheating! You must use correct for throughout the entire bicep curl to isolate your bicep muscles and hit them hard!

To hit your bicep muscles extra hard, try limiting the range of motion slightly at the top and bottom of the bicep curl. This will keep your bicep tense through the whole set and won't give it a chance to "rest" at the top and bottom of the movement.
