There is no reason to be petrified of developing a six pack. Not only is a six pack achievable, it can also be had through a minimal amount of effort. I managed to develop a mine in just under 30 days and hence, you too can develop a six pack in the same amount of time. While opting for a similar goal, you simply need to choose the correct abdominal exercises and ensure to abide by the predefined diet pattern. Let me show you how I achieved my goal in such a short span of time.
Six Pack: I Worked From Top To Bottom
Even before I started to work on my abdominal muscles, I tried to develop my larger muscle groups first. The reason why I did so was for the simple fact that I had to develop the muscles in a descending order. For the abdominal muscle to respond and react, you first need to develop and shape your larger muscle groups. Hence, it always pays to first build your thighs, shoulders, chest and back muscles before opting to hit the smaller muscle groups such as calves, arms and of course, the abdominal muscles.
The Lower Middle And Upper Torso
In order to get a suitably chiseled abdominal wall, I first needed to develop my upper torso, which comprised of chest, shoulders, back and arms. At the same time, I tried and shifted my focus towards the lower torso, which included the thighs, hips and the calves. When both were in the developing stages, I started to pay attention towards the middle torso. These included the abdominals, the stomach and the mid-sections.
I Followed A Strict Routine
The last step to developing those fabulous abdominal muscles was to try and follow a suitable exercise routine. I never skipped a single routine and achieved my goal in well under 30 days.
By Mark M Morris