Lying Tricep Extension

Exercise Data

Main Muscle Worked: Tricep
Other Muscles Worked: None
Equipment: Bench, EZ or straight bar

How To Do:

1. Grip the bar with a close grip (less than shoulder width) with your palms facing down
2. Lay on the bench with your feet firmly on the floor and your arms fully extended above your head
3. Now move the weight back slightly (so it's slightly behind your head - see pic)
4. Now slowly lower the weight until it's almost touching your forehead. Keep your elbows tucked in tight!
5. Slowly raise the weight back to the starting position
6. Repeat steps 3-5 for desired reps

Tips: With the lying tricep extension it's VERY important to keep your elbows tucked in tight. Flairing your elbows out involves the shoulders in the exercise and you will not see all the benefits. Also, at the top of the lying tricep extension your arms should be pointing back behind you slightly (not straight up).
