Exercise Data
Main Muscle Worked: Biceps
Other Muscles Worked: None
Equipment: Preacher curl
Preacher curl setup: Select the right weight for your preacher curl. Sit on the preacher curl bench and rest the backs of your arms on the pad. The seat should be adjusted so that the top of the pad is close to your underarms.
Preach curl execution: Grasp the bar at about shoulder width apart. Slowly curl the bar up until your forearms are pointing towards the ceiling (slightly more than vertical). Pause for a second, and lower the bar to the starting position.
Tips: The beaulty of the preacher curl bench is that it forces you to use correct technique. You should make sure the seat on the preacher curl bench is adjusted correctly (mentioned above). If you have the seat to high you will lean into your preacher curls and this is stealing the work away from your bicep muscles.
For maximum muscle growth with the preacher curl, use heavy weights! Lower the number of reps down and increase the weight. The preacher curl is a good bicep exercise for big weights because the preacher curl bench forces strict technique.
If you find on bicep is weaker than the other, use the preacher curl with dumbells to equal out your bicep muscle strength. Do alternate preacher curls, and always do the same number of reps for each arm - even it it's too easy for one arm.
source: www.ebicep.com