Hammer Bicep Curl

Exercise Data

Main Muscle Worked: Bicep
Other Muscles Worked: None
Equipment: Dumbell

Hammer curl setup: Get two dumbells and stand straight up with your arms by your side and you palms facing towards your body. Tense you middle section before starting the hammer curl exercise. Hammer curl execution: Squeeze the dumbells tight and raise your arms until your forearms are parallel with the floor. Pause at the top of the hammer curl and squeeze your bicep muscles hard, then slowly lower back down to the starting position.

Tips: Through the whole hammer curl, keep your elbows locked in at your sides. If you find that when you are doing the hammer curl that your elbows are moving forward, lower your weight.

Don't lean back! Like I have been telling you with all bicep exercises, the hammer curl is no different. Use your bicep muscle to move the weight, not your bodyweight!

You can choose whether you do the hammer curl with one are or two at a time. I recommend the one arm hammer curl. That way you can focus your energy on that one arm!

source: www.ebicep.com