
This is one of the best power building exercises that you can do. Deadlifts work the spinal erectors, quadriceps, buttocks, hips, forearms, trapezius, lats, and abdominals.

Stand in front of a barbell with your shins very close to the bar. Feet shoulder width apart. Grab the bar with your hands slightly wider then shoulder width. Keeping your arms straight, bend your legs and flatten your back. Position yourself so it is like you are doing a squat with the barbell at arms length in front of you.

Slowly pull the barbell off the floor by straightening your legs and torso until your body is completely erect. Pull your shoulders back. Then slowly lower the bar back to the starting point. Repeat. Do not let the barbell touch the floor in between each rep. Keep the tension on the muscles during the entire exercise.

Tip - if you have trouble griping the bar when using heavy weights, you can use a reversed grip in which one hand the palm is facing forward and with the other hand the palm is facing backward. This will enable you to grip heavier weights. Another option is to use a pair of lifting straps and strap your hands to the barbell.
